League of Women Voters, Moscow, speaker series presentation by professors Dylan Hedden-Nicely and Neoshia Roemer, University of Idaho College of Law, via Zoom at bit.ly/LWVMspeakers, meeting ID 835 0394 1866, passcode 432184. Moscow is located on Nez Perce ancestral land, but issues of justice in our community — and across the nation — are seldom discussed with tribal perspectives at the forefront. These two experts will provide an introductory overview of three timely and controversial issues: (a) treaties and tribal sovereignty vis-à-vis the powers of states; (b) the tribal heritage of Native children as potentially impacted by litigation challenging the federal Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA); and (c) the authority of tribes to enforce the federal Violence Against Women Act against nonIndian perpetrators of violence against Native women in Indian Country.