Let’s talk goal-setting

Be Well

Editor’s note: Let’s not talk about resolutions. If you set one, great — and every good wish to you for keeping it. But for the rest of us, here are a few reminders for general goal-setting as we chip away at the constant project of keeping ourselves and our families healthy and happy, shared by Lewiston resident Brooke Ramos, a registered nurse with experience in health coaching.


“If you aim for nothing, you will hit it every time.”

— American author Zig Ziglar


  • Be specific: State exactly what you are going to do.
  • Be measurable: How are you going to measure your progress?
  • Have a time limit: Set a deadline for getting it done.
  • And, finally, goals should be something you want to accomplish: If your goals aren’t for something you actually want to do, you’ll never do it. Don’t set a goal because your best friend is doing it or because it’s the latest fad or your mom wants you to do it. The goal should be for you and mean something to you.

click to enlarge Let’s talk goal-setting
Brooke Ramos


When trying to meet goals or simply have a better outlook on life, self-development is vital. Just 10 minutes a day reading or listening to a book and journaling can make an incredible impact on your day. This is best done in the morning, but if evenings works best, go for it.

It is essential for proper body function to drink enough water. To meet your goals, your body needs to be running smoothly, and water helps. The recommendation is to drink half your weight in ounces. If you weigh 150 pounds, that means you will need to drink 75 ounces in a day. Sparkling water and caffeine-free teas can count toward your water intake as well. Also, opt for foods more dense in water for that feeling of fullness. You will become far more full eating 1/2 cup of fresh grapes than if you were to eat the same amount in raisins. Water is key!


Good sleep hygiene is essential to wellness and to meeting goals. Seven to eight hours per night is recommended for the average adult. If you tend to be a night owl, prioritize going to bed earlier in 30-minute increments until you meet your sleep goal. Also, keep your phone plugged in across the room from you. This will limit blue screen exposure before shut-eye and help you get up the first time your alarm goes off in the morning.


We are all guilty of spending too much time on smartphones, laptops, tablets and televisions. Technology robs us of our time, time we can better spend being with those we love and really listening to them. By simply putting the phone down and turning the television off, we can gain back minutes, even hours, each day. This also gives us more opportunity to focus on our goals.

Ramos, who lives in Lewiston with her husband and two daughters, has been a registered nurse since 2011. She enjoys sharing nutritious meals with her family and loves to make healthy eating something attainable for all. She also enjoys reading, indulges in true crime shows/podcasts and loves spending time with her family and close friends.