Film spotlighting civil rights leader Ella Baker will premiere Friday in Pullman

A Black History Month celebration featuring a movie premiere and Southern-style dinner accompanied by jazz performances is set for Friday, Feb. 3, at Pullman’s Gladish Community and Cultural Center, 115 NW State St.

Terry Buffington Productions’ “Fundi: The Ella Baker Story” details the instrumental role Baker, a friend and adviser to Martin Luther King Jr., played in shaping the civil rights movement. Buffington, a cultural anthropologist and founding artistic director of Terry Buffington Productions LLC, originally is from West Point, Miss., and now lives in Pullman.

click to enlarge Film spotlighting civil rights leader Ella Baker will premiere Friday in Pullman
Ella Baker, circa 1944

Baker was affectionately known as the Fundi, a Swahili word for a person who passes skills and knowledge from generation to another, according to a news release from the Washington Idaho Symphony, which is partnering with Buffington, the Gladish Center and the University of Idaho’s Lionel Hampton School of Music for the event. The symphony and the Lionel Hampton School of Music will perform jazz pieces at the dinner, before the movie premiere.

Doors open at 7 p.m., with dinner at 7:30 and the film at 8:30, followed by a Q&A with Buffington.

The dinner, with Southern fried catfish and chicken, collard greens, Hoppin’ Johns, buttermilk cornbread and pecan pie, will be complemented by a wine bar from downtown Pullman’s Noshies.

Tickets, $75, are at