Bath Time

Jerry Cunningon
My wife and I came home to find this young Sharp-Shinned Hawk had just finished it's bath and was enjoying the cool of the water. It flew to some near by trees and returned again and would only sit on the edge of bird bath and pose. While it was there I noticed there were no other birds or squirrels except a humming bird that seemed not fear the hawk and the Hawk didn't appear hungry when the humming bird came close to it's head. Other photos to follow. Photographed by Jerry Cunnington 8-20-2021.

You are invited to contribute photographs to this community photo album. Your photo will appear here and also be eligible to run in the print edition of the Lewiston Tribune, on the back page of Wednesday’s Northwest section, or daily in the Moscow-Pullman Daily News as that newspaper’s Reader Photo of the Day.
  • "Bullitt"

    @ Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre

    Fri., Sept. 20, 2-4 p.m.