When: Mondays-Saturdays. Continues through Jan. 31 2024
Whitman County Library presents an exhibit from Nancy Rothwell showing how the palette and content of paintings can change dramatically once an artist moves from western to eastern Washington. Physical surroundings have a great influence on how and what an artist paints. Rothwell, born and raised in Spokane, upon retirement from health care moved from Seattle to Colfax, and her paintings document her artistic journey, especially how the beauty of the Palouse area influenced her work. She experienced dramatic changes in her work once she moved to Colfax. The beauty of the Palouse hills, the peaceful setting, the ever-present sunshine and stunning sunsets all contributed in powerful and surprising ways to her artwork. The freedom and joy of dance features prominently in this exhibit but a relatively new work “Easy Transition” is most intriguing. It contrasts the darker colors of living in Seattle with the brighter palette of the Palouse. The contrast is most compelling.