Music meets race meets writing

Record company exec, author discusses latest book Friday at UI

Musician, writer and record company executive Nabil Ayers will speak from 12:30-1:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 27, at the University of Idaho’s Forge Theatre, 404 Sweet Ave., Moscow.

Ayers, who has written about the intersection of race and music for the New York Times, Pitchfork, "Code Switch," GQ and Rolling Stone, will discuss those themes during his free talk, presented by the University of Idaho’s Lionel Hampton School of Music and Africana Studies Program.

His recent memoir, "My Life in the Sunshine," explores his search to connect with his father, vibraphonist and funk, soul and jazz composer Roy Ayers, who received his first set of mallets from Lionel Hampton, according to a UI news release.

The book “includes stories about growing up as a biracial kid with a single mother, living in Seattle, touring in rock bands and how a job in a record store led him to become president of the U.K.-based record company Beggars Group, which represents Adele, The National, Radiohead and many others.”

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