This is a past event.

Stuff the Bus

Kiwanis Clubs of Pullman, Colfax and Moscow will collect needed school supplies for local children during the 16th annual drive. Hundreds of families on the Palouse find it difficult to afford the supplies their children need to succeed in school, and the Kiwanis Clubs ask for everyone’s support and donations to fill those needs. Yellow school buses will be parked at Wheatland Mall (near Rite Aid and McDonalds) in Pullman, Rosauers in Colfax and Staples in Moscow to collect supplies. Those buses will be open for donations in Pullman and Moscow: Aug. 10, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. in Pullman, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in Moscow. Additional drop off locations in Pullman: Neill’s Public Library: August 9-10; Palouse Discovery Science Center: August 9; Rosauers: August 9-10. Monetary donations are welcome and go to purchase supplies that are still needed. The Pullman Kiwanis Club also gathers gently used musical instruments for Pullman school music students during Stuff the Bus, which can be dropped off at the bus at Wheatland Mall. The Pullman kickoff for the Stuff the Bus event is noon Aug. 8 at Gladish Community and Cultural Center, third floor view room, in Pullman.