Toasting the finer things

UI consumer sciences school celebrates 120 years with weekend events

click to enlarge Toasting the finer things
Leila Old Historic Costume Collection
This is an item from the Leila Old Historic Costume Collection in Hays Hall at the University of Idaho in Moscow. The collection can be viewed during an open house celebration that starts at 10 a.m. Saturday.

The University of Idaho’s Margaret Ritchie School of Family and Consumer Sciences celebrates its 120th anniversary this weekend with events on the Moscow campus, including a symposium, dinner, open house and tailgate party.

Founded in 1902 as the Department of Domestic Sciences, the school now has more than 200 students, seven undergraduate majors and two graduate programs, according to a UI email.

The daylong symposium Friday, Sept. 16, at the Niccolls Home Economics Building is followed by a free presentation at 5 p.m. by Margaret Ritchie Distinguished Speaker Linda Kirk Fox in the Pitman Center’s Borah Theater, a 6 p.m. social hour in the Chief’s Lounge and the 7 p.m. dinner in the Vandal Ballroom, which is $15 for students and $40 for nonstudents.

Saturday’s events, Sept. 17, include the 10 a.m. open house at the Niccolls Building and Leila Old Historic Costume Collection in Hays Hall with a tailgate, including music by local band The Chelseas, in advance of the Vandals vs. Drake football game.

Family and Consumer Sciences-branded merchandise will be for sale at the various events by cash or check only.

Tickets and more information are at
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