This is such an easy (I’m a super lazy mom when it comes to crafts) and cheap project to do with your kids, and you can tailor it to any occasion. Of course, how could we let May 4 pass without some focus on “Star Wars”? (May the 4th be with you/May the force be with you -- get it?) We love “Star Wars” at our house, and we love to paint, so this craft is kind of our go-to. Here’s what you need to do this craft:

  • poster board or canvas
  • alphabet stickers (any size you want)
  • paint
  • paint brushes

That’s it.

Choose what song lyric, poem, quote, or name you want and lay it out on your background material (I used poster board, which kind of curls at the sides, FYI). Press the stickers down firmly to make sure there aren’t any edges trying to pull up.

Gather your paints. You can get as creative as you want and have your kids do finger paints, or you can very carefully paint something planned out. These paints that I use are usually less than a dollar or just barely over. Paint brushes are super cheap as well, and you can usually find lots at the dollar store. I told you this was cheap. Paint over the top of your stickers however you’d like. I went with a yellow-to-green fade and I’m actually quite pleased.

LET IT DRY. You’ll be tempted to start peeling the stickers off right away, but don’t do it. Let it dry overnight. Have you ever painted a bedroom and you peel the painter’s tape off too early and it just looks … bad? Yeah, we don’t want that here. Not on this expensive keepsake.

Once it is completely dry, peel the stickers off one at a time.

I think this is cute for Father’s Day, but think of what you could do with your favorite quote. They also make teeny-tiny canvases which would be cute to do a series of them for someone if you have, you know, like a ton of kids. And if you were Ruthie, you might get all the supplies, wait for a night when you are going to be out, and ask your babysitter to do it with all those kids. You’re welcome.