A reimagined version of “The Imaginary Invalid,” by legendary French writer Molière, opens Friday, March 3, at the University of Idaho's Hartung Theater, 625 Stadium Drive in Moscow.
This production of the classic comedy, presented by the Department of Theatre Arts and adapted by Oded Gross and Tracy Young, “maintains an over-the-top farcical tone while retelling the original play with updated language in a 1960s setting,” according to a UI news release.
The play, which revolves around a hypochondriac obsessed with managing his imagined ailments, is directed by professor David Lee-Painter and features professor Craig A. Miller in the lead role.
Showtimes for the six-performance run are 7:30 p.m. March 3-4 and 10-11 and 2 p.m. March 5 and 12.
Tickets, at uitickets.com and at the door one hour before showtime, are free for UI students and $8-20 for the public, credit card only. The play is recommended for audiences 12 and older.