A nationally recognized dance troupe will bring its tour, previously delayed by COVID-19 precautions, to Moscow for a Friday, Sept. 23, performance as part of the 50th anniversary celebration of Festival Dance and Performing Arts.
The Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Ensemble, under the direction of Cleo Parker Robinson, “performs a dynamic body of works inspired by the African American experience and rooted in ethnic and modern dance traditions worldwide,” according to a Festival Dance news release.
The 7 p.m. performance includes works from The Four Journeys tour, based on the real-story-turned-legend of Catarina de San Juan, who was stolen from her noble family in India and taken to Mexico, where she was sold in marriage to a stranger.
“The choreographic work embodies the story of enslavement, travel to strange lands, loss of original identity in culture, religion and language, and lack of choice, and that individual adapting to a new culture and belief system and exercising a level of choice as she develops tenacity of character,” according to the news release.
The company also will perform portions of the work and offer educational dance programming for area elementary school students today, Sept. 22, both at the Hartung Theatre and at Lapwai Elementary on the Nez Perce Reservation.
Tickets for Friday can be purchased at uitickets.evenue.net. Cost is $36 for adults, $32 for seniors and $25 for students.
Festival Dance and Performing Arts Association is a nonprofit organization in residence at the University of Idaho Movement Sciences Department.