The Barns of Whitman County 2021 calendars, featuring regional barns and seasonal backdrops by area photographers, are on sale. Proceeds benefit the Whitman County Library Friends of the Library programs and projects at all 14 library locations.
Calendars are $10 each and available at any branch of the Whitman County Library, Tick Klock Drug and Rosauers in Colfax, and the Pullman Chamber of Commerce. The calendars sell out each year so people are encouraged to purchase them early, according to a news release from the library.
Over the past 11 years, Steve Van Vleet, Washington State University Regional Extension Specialist, has donated photographs and time producing the calendars as a way of giving back to the community. Additional images this year were contributed by Sharon Lindsay, Ken Carper, Catalina Flores, Jill Mohr, Shirley Cornelius and Jerry Kayser.
People can arrange to receive calendars by mail by calling the library at (509) 397-4366.