Based on the lives of four brothers from Kendrick, Stalwart: A Brothers Story opens today in Boise.
The musical is based on the true story of four Lind brothers -- Leon Paul, Oscar Wayne, Milton Eugene and William Robert -- who grew up in Kendrick and served in World War II. Its written and directed by Kimberli Reynolds of Boise, the adult granddaughter of Leon Lind.
The show portrays scenes from the brothers childhood together, as well as life during and after the war. It features songs and dances from the 1940s and is part of the Youth Summer Theater Program presented by Boise Little Theater and Boise Parks and Recreation.
The play is Reynolds first. The idea came to her after she was selected to direct the show for the youth program; she wanted to do a play set in a WWII United Service Organization (USO) but couldnt find a script she liked. A closet novelist, she began digging into the story of her grandfather and his three brothers and decided to write the play herself.
I wanted to portray the hardship that soldiers and families had during the war, Reynolds said.
Reynolds great-grandfather, the father of these brothers, had served in World War I, she explained. He had seen the horrors of war and had to watch all four of his boys go off to war. The musical portrays these and other challenges in way that is both accessible and appropriate for young people, Reynolds said.
Showtimes are 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday and at 1:30 p.m. Sunday and again 7:30 p.m. July 26-27 and 1:30 p.m. July 28. Tickets are $10 for adults and $7 for children ages 17 and youger and can be purchased in advance at or by calling (208) 342-5104. The theater is at 100 E. Fort St., Boise.